5 Things I Learned While Traveling

1.) Traveling made me sensitive with global issues.

-When I started traveling, I became more aware and curious with what is happening with other nations. I always find myself doing a little bit of reading especially on the countries I’m planning to travel. I also became tolerant and open minded with others’ views and opinions. One example is when I went to Russia. I always think Russians are always grumpy in general,  and Russia as a country is always gloomy and not safe. It turned out to be an exact opposite. 

Perfect day in Moscow

2.) Travel doesn’t have to be expensive.

-For most people, traveling means out of the country. But it’s NOT. You can explore your own town and country, and be surprised with amazing places that you didn’t even know exist! I’m a proud Pinay, and have been a big fan of my island, GUIMARAS ISLAND. I always look forward coming home and share wonderful places my island can offer. 

My beautiful Island 🌴 

3.) I learned the value of money.

-Coming from a middle-class family, making money wasn’t that easy. Before sparing money for my travel fund, I need to finish first my monthly obligations especially with my family back home. Whatever is left, THAT, I need to save. I always tell myself I need to stick on my budget every time I travel coz that money required me to do straight and extra shifts in the hospital. And by the way, I don’t have any credit card! One main reason for that? I HATE debts which I think is a good thing. 😉

4.) The people I met changed my life. 

-I met a lot of people from 33 different countries. Not all, but some of them, played a big part on how I look and live my life now. For instance, when I went to Nepal last 2014,  I met a Buddhist Monk named Brother Nawang inside Boudanath. He prayed for me instantly after he asked my name. To my surprise, he didn’t ask what my religion, and what country I came from! And for the people in Bhaktapur who still live as if it is 1950’s. They don’t mind if other countries now are modern but I can see how happy they were and how simple living made them appreciate life even more. That trip was so unforgettable to the point that when I went back in Dubai, all the shimmering buildings and material things didn’t matter to me. I realized that happiness is how you see your life. 

Some of the people I met along the way. 

5.) You cannot put a price tag on good and bad memories. 

- Memories last forever and material things don’t. I was in a wrong notion before, when I think of people who travel, are just wasting their money. From my experience, investing on memories is way better than investing on new gadgets. I always find myself reminiscing each and every trips I had and by just thinking of them, It makes me want to time travel and live again those moments.

-Travel learnings educated me more than the things I learned from school! My trips weren’t all that perfect and dreamy, but it shaped me who I am today. Travel is indeed, life’s best teacher. 


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